188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址参观国会山 to discuss issues important to accounting profession


U.S. 资本

Several hundred CPAs from across the nation visited Capitol Hill as a highlight of the 美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载 (188bet亚洲真人体育下载) Spring Meeting of Council and Annual Members’ Meeting in Washington, D.C.会议于5月19日至21日举行.  The CPAs met with lawmakers to discuss the accounting profession’s advocacy agenda.

At the top of the list were modernizing the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) approach to taxpayer services, changing the trigger that allows the IRS to grant deadline extensions when natural disasters occur, the growing importance of taxation of the digital economy and a Congressional resolution relating to the fiscal state of the nation.

“美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载致力于支持国会, Treasury and the IRS in their efforts to ensure a service-oriented, 现代化的税收管理体系,巴里C说。. Melancon,188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址,CGMA, 188bet亚洲真人体育下载总裁兼首席执行官.  “We believe that one of the best ways to improve taxpayer service is to consolidate existing IRS units into a IRS Practitioner Services Division so that taxpayer issues can be resolved more efficiently.”  He explained that tax practitioners rely on many different IRS programs, processes and tools to resolve clients’ tax issues and that the operating systems for them do not easily communicate or integrate and do not have access to the same taxpayer information.  Under the current IRS structure, they are located throughout the organization.

Congress can also help taxpayers by enacting legislation that would give the IRS the authority to postpone deadlines when a national disaster is declared by a state’s governor, 通常是在灾难发生前几天, rather than waiting for a federal disaster declaration, 梅纳康说.  “The current process delays the IRS’ ability to provide federal tax relief to impacted businesses and disaster victims until after the disaster occurs,他说.  “While the 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 and state CPA societies have long supported a set of permanent disaster relief tax provisions, this legislation will allow the IRS to provide more timely assistance.”

The CPAs also asked their lawmakers to support a fiscal state of the nation Congressional resolution calling for the 政府 Accountability Office Comptroller General (GAO) to make a presentation to a joint session of the House and Senate Budget Committees on the GAO’s auditor’s report of 美国.S. 政府财务报表.  梅纳康说, “The accounting profession has long held the view that the federal financial statements provide important information that should be considered by policymakers in making key decisions.  Enacting this resolution will ensure Congress is made aware of the information contained in the federal financial statements and that it better understands how current or future policy may affect the nation’s long-term fiscal health.”

除了, the CPAs advocated for sound tax policy as they discussed with lawmakers the complex and unique tax challenges presented to 政府s and tax authorities around the world by the advancement of technology and the digital economy.  “The existing international concepts of permanent establishment, physical presence and significant people functions were not designed to address digital transactions,梅兰康说.  “几乎所有企业, 国内和跨国公司, 要么是现在, 或者在未来五年内会有, 其商业模式的数字组成部分.  The 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 is actively engaged in the discussions taking place within the international tax community on these issues and continues to develop positions and recommendations on the various proposals as they are developed,他补充道.

The 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 Council determines 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 programs and policies and meets twice each year.  The Council is made up of elected and appointed members from each of the 50 states, 哥伦比亚特区, 波多黎各, 美国.S. 维尔京群岛、美属萨摩亚和关岛.